R. Kelly has been taking countless L’s for the past couple of months. Just last week he failed to show up to court for a civil suit against one of his sexual abuse accusers. Somehow Kelly’s still looking to fight back as he wants a do-over on his case because he claims to not understand the legal papers due to his illiteracy.
According to TMZ, R. Kelly’s legal team wants the court to give the singer another chance to prove his innocence. Kelly’s lawyers say he received the court papers when he was locked up for failing to pay child support, saying that he shouldn’t have been served there.
The court papers say he “suffers from a learning disability that adversely affects his ability to read,” so, “in essence he cannot.” Their argument at the moment is that he was unable to read the papers, so there was no way for him to defend himself.
R. Kelly himself hasn’t made any comments on this case, so it’ll be interesting to see how it all goes for him.