
Redman & Jayceeoh (1000Volts) Talk New Music, How They Met + Redman’s Foot Fetish!

photo credit: 935KDAY

Rap duo 1000Volts, made up of Redman & Jayceeoh came through the 935 KDAY studios to talk with Romeo on bringing different genres together, organically collaborating, and even go into detail about Redman’s foot fetish.

Speaking on how the new duo came together, Jayceeoh says:

Well basically it all came together at a festival in Croatia. [I told him] ‘I sampled you on this record, can I play it for you?’ And I just played it off the iPhone at the beach. He’s like, ‘This sh*t is rocking’!’ and just gave the phone back. I was like, ‘Yo, would you be down to re-do the vocals, make it official?’ And he was just like, ‘Hell, yeah!’ A few months later we did that and then I actually launched my own record label off that…

While the duo have worked to bridge two musical backgrounds together, the pair have also learned some details of one another, which has to do with their fetishes. 1000 Volts also share what they have coming this year along with some upcoming show dates.

Peep the full 1000 Volts x Romeo interview clip below: