Public Enemy, Wu-Tang, DJ Premier and De La Soul are set to tour in the United Kingdom for three tour dates, marking it as a legendary moment in hip hop. Hopefully, the tour makes its way to the United States as many fans would love to see them live in concert. It’s been a while since Flavor Flav toured with Chuck D, considering Flav filed a lawsuit against him, but it seems like it’s all in the past now.
Public Enemy will join Wu-Tang Clan, De La Soul and DJ Premier. The shows are set to take place in London, Manchester, and Glasgow in May of this year. The news are all according to Flav and Chuck D’s DJ Lord, who announced the tour on Instagram. “Consider Yourselves Warned’✌🏾 👑Hip Hop Gods @wearedelasoul @publicenemyftp @wutangclan & @djpremier hit the UK together for the #GodsOfRap tour this May.”
Hopefully we can see the tour soon, but for now we should look forward seeing their performances online for now.