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Twitter went into a frenzy last night after LeBron James was heckled by a woman who is now known as #CourtsideKaren.
In footage that has made its several rounds on the internet, Juliana Carlos and her husband are facing the aftermath after being thrown out of last night’s Lakers and Hawks game. While countless memes took over social media, Carlos also took to her own social media account to attempt to clear her name and state how her side of the story went. Nearly 24 hours after the infamous moment, it looks like Carlos has had a change of hear and issued an apology on the matter. “To say things escalated quickly at yesterday’s game is an understatement and I want to apologize for losing my cool and removing my mask in the heat of the moment,” reads the Instagram update. “What should have been a quick back-and-forth between two adults got out of hand and my natural instinct to stand up for the an I love kicked in.”
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#CourtsideKaren won’t be banned from the Atlanta arena and things should blow over soon, but just in case you missed some of the viral moments, check them out below!
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