Kendrick Lamar has now received his Pulitzer Prize for Music for his latest album, DAMN. The Compton MC was reportedly seen arriving at the Pulitzer center at Columbia University in Manhattan, New York to officially receive his medal.
The Pulitzer Prizes Twitter account uploaded a photo of Kendrick with administrator Dana Canedy.
“We’re both making history,” Canedy reportedly told Lamar.
Lamar did not deliver a speech after receiving the award, but he did briefly share his thoughts on the Pulitzer Prize’s official Facebook live stream.
“It’s an honor,” he said. “I’ve been writing my whole life, so to get this type of recognition… it’s beautiful.”
The Pulitzer Prize for Music is one of the seven American Pulitzer Prizes that are annually awarded for Letters, Drama, and Music.
With this, Kendrick becomes the first non-jazz, non-classical music winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Music.