
Tag Archives: 19

50 Cent Reacts To Announcement Of Third Pfizer Covid Vaccine Dose

50 Cent Reacts To Announcement Of Third Pfizer Covid Vaccine Dose

As the world continues to adjust and slowly move forward with re-opening after a long and down-right traumatizing year for most, the covid pandemic is somewhat rearing its end. In just under two months, California is expected to full re-open beginning June 15th and as many are scrambling for COVID-19 vaccinations, it has come to…

L.A. County Closer To Being Removed From COVID-19 State Watch List

L.A. County Closer To Being Removed From COVID-19 State Watch List

photo credit: Mario Tama l Getty Images As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to greatly affect major cities throughout this country, as the number of cases continue to fluctuate, schools being to re-open, some in-person and some virtually, many of us are settling into the daily and practical lifestyle routine that allows us all to be…

Slim Thug Says He’s Tested Positive For Corona Virus

Slim Thug Says He’s Tested Positive For Corona Virus

Photo Credit: Getty Images | Jemal Countess Houston rapper Slim Thug is now one of the latest celebrities who has been tested positive for COVID-19. Earlier today, he took to Instagram to reveal his results to his 1+ million fans, saying the following; “So check this out, no games being played,” he says in the…