June 1st – 9:00a-2:00p
Power CA Action
530 S. Boyle Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90033
June 2nd – 9:00a-2:00p
Power CA Action –
530 S. Boyle Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90033
What is Measure EE?
By unanimous vote, Measure EE was placed by the LAUSD Board of Education on the June 4, 2019, special election ballot. It is endorsed by Mayor Eric Garcetti and officially supported by the City of Los Angeles through a unanimous City Council vote. Mail voting begins May 6. It requires a 2/3 vote to pass.
What will Measure EE do?
Measure EE will lower class sizes and help our neighborhood schools retain and attract quality teachers, counselors, school nurses, librarians, support staff and principals.
Why do we need Measure EE?
Even though it is the fifth-largest economy in the world, California ranks 44th in the United States in per-pupil funding. That’s way too many classes in our neighborhood schools are 46 students in size; why the student-to-counselor ratio across our local schools is 700 to 1; and why 80% of schools lack a full-time nurse.
Measure EE is a critical part of the solution to this public education funding crisis, which was highlighted by the recent teachers’ strike in the Los Angeles area. Measure EE is desperately needed to get our local schools the resources they need to educate our students.
Where will the money go?
By law, Measure EE funds are dedicated to:
- Lowering class sizes
- Attracting and retaining high-quality teachers and school employees
- Providing equitable school nursing, library and counseling services
- Providing safe, secure, clean, well-maintained, supportive and welcoming schools
- Supporting special needs, homeless, foster, & other underserved and disadvantaged students
How are taxpayers protected?
Measure EE is subject to strict taxpayer protections and accountability.
Measure EE requires that every dollar is used to support local schools and cannot be taken by the state or federal government. All Measure EE funds are required by law to be deposited into a separate account, and they are required to be used only for voter-approved purposes. State law requires annual public reporting and Measure EE goes further by additionally requiring annual audits by an independent firm and independent oversight.
How will this affect the economy?
The key to a strong economy is a well-educated workforce. By voting yes on Measure EE and investing in quality academic programs such as language arts, math, science, technology, the arts, vocational and career education, and preschool, we can provide students with safe and healthy schools and the quality education they’ll need for college and a career in a competitive economy. That’s good for all of us.
How much will it cost me?
Homeowners would pay 16 cents per square foot on buildings (the taxable square footage listed on property tax bills) located on taxable parcels within Los Angeles Unified boundaries. The tax does not apply to land. All properties that are otherwise exempt from ad valorem property taxes in any year shall also be exempt from Measure EE in such year. The cost to the owner of a 1,000 square foot house would be $160 per year. The homeowner of a median- sized house would pay approximately $238 annually. Measure EE expires in 12 years.
Measure EE is fair and equitable. Homeowners will pay less than one-quarter of the costs. Measure EE will not interfere with existing or new rent stabilization ordinances. Measure EE includes exemptions for property owners over 65 and certain disability recipients.
How may I contribute?
You may contribute online at https://www.yesonee.org/contribute
You may send checks made out to Yes on Quality Schools to:
Yes on Quality Schools
c/o Kaufman Legal Group
777 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 4050
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Where can I learn more?
Visit www.YesOnEE.org and like us at www.fb.com/SupportQualitySchools.